Acta Poloniae Historica vol. 122
Acta Poloniae Historica
vol. 122
Size A5, p. 388
Maciej Janowski, A Real Brain Twister, or, How to Outline the Evolution of the Concept of Nation between the Enlightenment and the Year 1939?
Anna Grześkowiak-Krwawicz, A Polish Sattelzeit? New Concepts in the Political Language at the Twilight of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Marta Kuc-Czerep, The Concept of Citizenship in the Political Discourse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
Adam Kożuchowski, A Demonic Chrysalis: The Concept of Bourgeoisie in Poland
Piotr Kuligowski, Mechanisms of Conceptual Change in the Discourse of Polish Political Emigration after the November Insurrection of 1830–1
Kamil Śmiechowski, How Do Local Conditions Inform Socio-Political Language? The Concept of ‘Intelligentsia’ in Łódź Press before the Mid-Twentieth Century
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Rafał Rutkowski, Why Would the Skalds Not Have Lied about the Rulers’ Expeditions and Battles? Some Remarks on a Relic of Medieval Attitude toward Sources in Modern Medieval Studies
Artur Goszczyński, The Institution of Council of the Senate in the Political System of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the Rule of Ladislaus IV Vasa (1632–48)
Mahmut Halef Cevrioğlu, Sultan Murad IV’s Polish Campaign (1634)
Melchior Jakubowski, Facing the Old Believers. The Experience of Austrian and Prussian Officials in Bukovina and Neuostpreussen
Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg and Norbert Kersken (eds), Mehrsprachigkeit in Ostmitteleuropa (1400–1700). Kommunikative Praktiken und Verfahren in gemischtsprachigen Städten und Verbänden – Piotr Kociumbas; Jan K. Ostrowski, Portret w dawnej Polsce [Portrait in Early Poland] – Wojciech Kriegseisen; Volodymir Sklokin, Rosiisʹka imperiia i Slobidsʹka Ukraina u druhii polovyni XVIII st.: prosvichenyi absoliutyzm, impersʹka intehratsiia, lokalʹne suspilʹstvo – Tomasz Hen-Konarski; Jan Jakub Surman, Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918. A Social History of a Multilingual Space – Maciej Górny; Jan Arendt (ed.), Science and Empire in Eastern Europe: Imperial Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th Century – Maciej Górny; Heidi Hein-Kircher, Lembergs ‘polnischen Charakter’ sichern. Kommunalpolitik in einer multiethnischen Stadt der Habsburgermonarchie zwischen 1861/62 und 1914 – Aleksander Łupienko; Wiktor Marzec, Rising Subjects: The 1905 Revolution and The Origins of Modern Polish Politics – Piotr Kuligowski; Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska, Dziecko, rodzina i płeć w amerykańskich inicjatywach humanitarnych i filantropijnych w II Rzeczypospolitej [Children, Family and Gender Roles in American Humanitarian and Philanthropic Initiatives in Interwar Poland] – Justyna Aniceta Turkowska; Piotr Cichoracki, Joanna Dufrat, and Janusz Mierzwa, Oblicza buntu społecznego w II Rzeczypospolitej doby wielkiego kryzysu (1930–1935). Uwarunkowania, skala, konsekwencje [Faces of Social Protest in the Second Polish Republic during the Great Depression (1930–1935). Preconditions, Scale, Consequences] – William W. Hagen; Iwona Dadej, Beruf und Berufung transnational: deutsche und polnische Akademikerinnen in der Zwischenkriegszeit – Iza Mrzygłód; Anna Bikont, Sendlerowa. W ukryciu [Irena Sendler. In Hiding] – Grzegorz Krzywiec; Ewa Stańczyk, Commemorating the Children of World War II in Poland. Combative Remembrance – Lidia Zessin-Jurek