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Acta Poloniae Historica vol. 121
Acta Poloniae Historica
vol. 121
Size A5, p. 420
Aleksander Łupienko, Localness, Identity, and the Historic City. New Elites in the Autonomous Galician Lviv
Michael Morys-Twarowski, The ‘Kindred Circle’ of Village Mayors in the Habsburg Monarchy and the Example of Cieszyn Silesia, 1864–1918
Maciej Falski, Slovenian Elites in Trieste and Their Role in the Formation of Local Communities
Marzena Bogus-Spyra, Incomplete Intelligentsia: Efforts of Folk Teachers to Improve Their Social Status within the Habsburg Monarchy
Tamás Székely and Szilveszter Csernus-Lukács, Securing Own Position: Challenges Faced by Local Elites after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise
Martin Klečacký, A Municipality against the State: Power Relations between State and Local Self-Government Representatives, Based on the Example of Bohemia at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
Maciej Czerwiński, Old Dubrovnik, Young Serbia and Vague Croatia. Mental Maps in the Serb-Catholic Imagination in Dubrovnik
Ovidiu Emil Iudean, Defending the ‘Sacrilege against the Homeland’: The Romanian Legal Elite in Hungary on the Benches of the Memorandum Trial (1894)
Jagoda Wierzejska, Identification Hierarchies of Inhabitants of Austrian Galicia in the Local Dimension.
* * *
Elżbieta Orman, Eighty-Five Years of the Polish Biographical Dictionary at 17 Sławkowska St., Cracow
Tomas Balkelis, A Dirty War: The Armed Polish-Lithuanian Conflict and its Impact on Nation-Making in Lithuania, 1919–23
Anna Kobylińska, Commentary to Viliam Pauliny-Tóth’s essay Vienna, or Pest?
Viliam Pauliny-Tóth, Vienna, or Pest?
Theodoricus, De antiquitate regum Norwagiensium. On the Old Norwegian Kings – Rafał Rutkowski; Martin Faber, Sarma- tismus. Die politische Ideologie des polnischen Adels im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert – Urszula Augustyniak; Morgane Labbé, La Nationalité, une histoire de chiffres. Politique et statistiques en Europe centrale (1848–1919) – Piotr Kuligowski; Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopeček, Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič, Maria Falina, Mónika Baár, and Maciej Janowski, A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe, ii: Negotiating Modernity in the ‘Short Twentieth Century’ and Beyond – Maciej Górny; Joanna Hytrek-Hryciuk, Między prywatnym a publicznym. Życie codzienne we Wrocławiu w latach 1938–1944 [Between the Private and the Public. Everyday Life in Wrocław in the Years of 1938–1944] – Joanna Wojdon; Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski (eds), Dalej jest noc: losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski [Night Without an End. Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland] – Stephan Lehnstaedt; Magdalena Ruta, Without Jews? Yiddish Literature in the People’s Republic of Poland on the Holocaust, Poland and Communism – Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov
Facing Changes and Expectations. Some Remarks on the 20th General Convention of Polish Historians – Ewa Solska
Jerzy Jedlicki (14 June 1930 – 31 January 2018) – Maciej Janowski
Response to Maria Cieśla’s “Short note” in APH 116/2017 – Urszula Świderska-Włodarczyk
In response to Urszula Świderska-Włodarczyk’s letter – Maria Cieśla
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